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Men's Club Patio, Church & Thomas Hall Clean-up (9.29.19)
Wednesday Night Lenten Soup Supper Series 2019
Men's Club Mardi Gras Pancake Supper 2019
Christ Church, Church Hill Homecoming Celebration (11.18.2018)
Stewardship Sunday (10.14.2018)
Blessing of the Animals (10.01.2018)
Progressive Service - Christ Church and Trinity Church (6.24.2018)
Claws for a Cause (5.20.2018)
Photo Credit: Helena St.Clair
Fred L. Callon Memorial Garden Dedication (5.06.2018)
The Episcopal Church Women Hosting Road Scholar Luncheon (4.16.2018)
Men's Club Mardi Gras Pancake Supper 2018
Winter Wonderland at Trinity (12.8.17)
Halloween fun at Trinity Church (10.31.17)
Ministry Fair and Rally Day (10.15.17)
Christ Church, Church Hill - Homecoming 2017 (10.8.17)
Blessing of the Animals (10.7.17)
Town Hall Meeting and Parish Supper (10.3.2017)