Our Virtual Church Home During The Coronavirus (Covid-19) Crisis
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UPDATED ON 6.12.20 at 5:00 PM
Zoom Link For Regular Weekly Bible Study - Sundays at 9:15 AM
Click On The Service To Open/Download Service Leaflet And View Service
Morning prayer - 2nd Sunday after Pentecost - 6.14.20
What's New? [click here] Updated on 5.22.20 at 8:20 pM
4.4.20 Bishop Seage has released a new pastoral letter, which can be found below in the "Bishop Brian Seage's Communications..." section below. 4.3.20 The Bishop has released the schedule for services and devotions (with links) for Holy Week. Included is a diocesan-wide Easter Vigil service on April 4th. You can view the schedule and links here. 4.2.20 Bishop Brian Seage has announced that the prohibition on public worship in churches will continue through the end of April. Trinity Church will continue to film and distribute church services during the month. 4.2.20 Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day services will be filmed at Trinity Church and made available (along with service bulletins) on the designated days on this webpage and Trinity's YouTube Channel. 4.2.20 Check out the new Religious Resources For Kids section below. It contains lessons and activities for children of various ages. |
religious resources for kids
This packet includes bulletins for Easter celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. This file includes
5 bulletins for older and 5 for younger ages. Each is offered in B&W and Color. This is a ZIP file and
will begin to download when you click on the link.
Easter Children's Worship Bulletins Packet
These activity pages for older and younger children include a story guide you can read together.
Do Not Worry Lesson and Activity Sheets
Faith in the Son of God Lesson and Activity Sheets
Fruit of the Spirit Lesson and Activity Sheets
These Children's Bulletins have 4 puzzles in each centered around a story of the bible. Its fun to work the
puzzles and learn what the bible says at the same time.
Jesus Keeps You Strong Bulletins
God Cares for Us Bulletins
Rejoice in the Lord Always Bulletins
God Our Dwelling Place Bulletins
Here are a few more activity pages.
Additional Kids Bible Puzzles
information on the coronavirus (covid-19) Crisis
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Corona Virus Q & A - World Health Organization
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- United States Government Response To Covid-19
- State of Mississippi - Coronavirus Crisis
- Covid-19 Cases In The United States
- Covid-19 Cases By U.S. State - Map (N.Y. Times - Does Not Require Subscription) (Updated Frequently)
- Google Covid-19 Webpage - Information and resources
- Coronavirus cases and deaths be State and County - Interactive Map
Prayer and devotional resources
The Book of Common Prayer Online
Morning / Evening Prayer Online
Devotionals and Worship Services Online From The National Cathedral
Forward Movement Resources For Prayer And Worship At Home
Lectio Divina (Daily) Podcast by Sacred Pilgrim Spiritual Direction
Lectio Divina Podcast by Todd Spencer
Todd often utilizes the works of Fr. Richard Rohr in his podcasts.
Morning / Evening Prayer Online
Devotionals and Worship Services Online From The National Cathedral
Forward Movement Resources For Prayer And Worship At Home
Lectio Divina (Daily) Podcast by Sacred Pilgrim Spiritual Direction
Lectio Divina Podcast by Todd Spencer
Todd often utilizes the works of Fr. Richard Rohr in his podcasts.
trinity church information / notices
- All public worship services at the Church are suspended indefinitely.
- All non-essential meetings and events at the Church are suspended indefinitely.
- Beginning on Sunday, March 22nd, Sunday services will be filmed and uploaded to YouTube. The videos may also be view on this Trinity Church page (see "Sunday Service Broadcast" section below. For more details, please read the "Important Letter From Fr. Ken" in the section above.
- The Church Office remains open for the time being during its regularly scheduled hours.
- The Vestry retreat originally scheduled for Sunday, May 29th has been postponed.
- We are uncertain at this time about what will happen during Holy Week in regard to services. It is quite possible that churches may still be closed. Fr. Ken will keep you updated as that time draws near.
- Claws for a Cause (2020), originally scheduled for Sunday, May 17th, has been postponed until later in the year. No future date has been determined as yet.
- Beware of scams, especially during this crisis time. If anything supposedly from Fr. Ken or the Church looks suspicious (like Fr. Ken requesting help from you), contact Fr. Ken at 225-317-4209. Do not open any suspicious or unknown files.
- You can link to Trinity's Facebook Page here.
offerings from the episcopal diocese of Mississippi
The Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi offers visual and text offerings, as well as offerings from churches around the Diocese. You can link to these offerings here.
An Act of Spiritual communion
This is a simple and loving act of Spiritual Communion we are called to make in these times, while we are unable to attend service and receive Holy Communion:
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Holy Sacrament of Communion.
I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this time receive You sacramentally, please come spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You now as if You were already there and I unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Holy Sacrament of Communion.
I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this time receive You sacramentally, please come spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You now as if You were already there and I unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
a common prayer to god for help, comfort and salvation
God our Father, Creator of the world, almighty and merciful, out of love for us
You sent your Son into the world as the doctor of our souls and our bodies,
look upon your children who, in this difficult time of confusion and dismay in
many regions of the world, turn to you seeking strength, salvation
and relief. Deliver us from illness and fear, heal our sick, comfort their families, give wisdom
to our rulers, energy and reward to our doctors, nurses and volunteers, and eternal
life to the dead.
We ask this of Thee, who with the Son and the Holy Spirit, live and reign for
ever and ever.
You sent your Son into the world as the doctor of our souls and our bodies,
look upon your children who, in this difficult time of confusion and dismay in
many regions of the world, turn to you seeking strength, salvation
and relief. Deliver us from illness and fear, heal our sick, comfort their families, give wisdom
to our rulers, energy and reward to our doctors, nurses and volunteers, and eternal
life to the dead.
We ask this of Thee, who with the Son and the Holy Spirit, live and reign for
ever and ever.
A Prayer in this time of challenge
God of Love, we, your people, turn to you with prayerful hearts and with confidence in your loving presence among us now and in every moment of our lives. We stand before you as a people of hope, trusting in your care and protection. May we be comforted by your love in these anxious times.
Generous and Merciful God, fill us with compassion and concern for others, young and old; that we may look after each other in these challenging times, especially those among us who are vulnerable. May your example give us the courage we need to go to the margins, wherever they may be. Heal us of our fear.
Healing God, bring healing to those who are sick with the Coronavirus and be with their families and neighbors. We pray especially for those who are isolated, that they may know your love. Stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow.
God of Strength, accompany all those who serve us with such love and generosity in the medical profession and in all our healthcare facilities. We give thanks for their continued work in the service of people. We ask you to bless them, strengthen them and guide them with your abundant goodness.
God of Wisdom, we ask you to guide the leaders in healthcare and governance; that they may make the right decisions for the wellbeing of people.
O God of creation and God of life, we, your people place ourselves and our world in your protection and love. May your peace be with us and enfold us today, tomorrow and during the time ahead.
We make our prayer in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
-- Adapted from a prayer by Larry Duffy
Generous and Merciful God, fill us with compassion and concern for others, young and old; that we may look after each other in these challenging times, especially those among us who are vulnerable. May your example give us the courage we need to go to the margins, wherever they may be. Heal us of our fear.
Healing God, bring healing to those who are sick with the Coronavirus and be with their families and neighbors. We pray especially for those who are isolated, that they may know your love. Stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow.
God of Strength, accompany all those who serve us with such love and generosity in the medical profession and in all our healthcare facilities. We give thanks for their continued work in the service of people. We ask you to bless them, strengthen them and guide them with your abundant goodness.
God of Wisdom, we ask you to guide the leaders in healthcare and governance; that they may make the right decisions for the wellbeing of people.
O God of creation and God of life, we, your people place ourselves and our world in your protection and love. May your peace be with us and enfold us today, tomorrow and during the time ahead.
We make our prayer in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
-- Adapted from a prayer by Larry Duffy
Bishop brian seage's communications to the diocese of Mississippi on the crisis
A Message from the senior warden - hyde carby
Trinity Family, we are working to make Trinity services available online via the church's website and YouTube. We will get that figured out (or not, but we are dang sure gonna try). I assure you this will be done with a skeleton crew and we will be very careful to keep from close contact.
We need help in making sure that some of our less tech-savvy members can access the services. The kicker here - we can't simply show up at somebody's house and set up their computer, particularly our older members who should be limiting contact with others. If you are related to or in regular contact with some of our members (or their caregivers, younger family, etc) that you suspect will not be able to be able to access the videos, please email me or Ken Ritter and let's get a plan going.
Also, please check out the Bishop Brian Seage for livestreams of the various daily services from the Daily Office. I have "attended" the Noonday office and it's great.
For additional resources, please check out bcponline.org/DailyOffice/devotion.html for Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families from the Book of Common Prayer.
Prayers and Thanksgivings for various occasions are at bcponline.org/Misc/Prayers.html These are quick bite size prayers. You can't go wrong here, just pick one.
If you have a hard copy of the Book of Common Prayer, the Daily Office begins at page 36 and the Daily Devotions begin at page 136. Prayers and Thanksgivings begin on page 814.
This situation makes me appreciate the BCP more and more. What an amazing document. And it's available in full online in the exact page by page format of the hard copy (at bcponline.org).
Be smart, be safe and please reach out to me or Father Ken if you need anything.
-- Hyde
We need help in making sure that some of our less tech-savvy members can access the services. The kicker here - we can't simply show up at somebody's house and set up their computer, particularly our older members who should be limiting contact with others. If you are related to or in regular contact with some of our members (or their caregivers, younger family, etc) that you suspect will not be able to be able to access the videos, please email me or Ken Ritter and let's get a plan going.
Also, please check out the Bishop Brian Seage for livestreams of the various daily services from the Daily Office. I have "attended" the Noonday office and it's great.
For additional resources, please check out bcponline.org/DailyOffice/devotion.html for Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families from the Book of Common Prayer.
Prayers and Thanksgivings for various occasions are at bcponline.org/Misc/Prayers.html These are quick bite size prayers. You can't go wrong here, just pick one.
If you have a hard copy of the Book of Common Prayer, the Daily Office begins at page 36 and the Daily Devotions begin at page 136. Prayers and Thanksgivings begin on page 814.
This situation makes me appreciate the BCP more and more. What an amazing document. And it's available in full online in the exact page by page format of the hard copy (at bcponline.org).
Be smart, be safe and please reach out to me or Father Ken if you need anything.
-- Hyde